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NeighborWorks® Toledo Region is a nonprofit community development corporation dedicated to revitalizing neighborhoods, stabilizing homes, and strengthening communities. We work to transform lives in the greater Toledo area by providing vital education and safe, quality, affordable housing for individuals and families. We create opportunities to build financial stability, a legacy, and a brighter tomorrow.

Image showing NeighborWorks Toledo Region Sign with Logo and tagline, "Developing Strong Communities Since 1977."


Once known as Neighborhood Housing Services of Toledo, Inc. (NHST), began in 1976 with a group of residents in Toledo's Old West End neighborhood who were concerned about the spread of disinvestment in their historic area. NHST incorporated in 1977 and was equipped with capital resources for lending and infrastructure improvements.  Over the past 48 years, we have transformed and evolved in many ways, but our mission remains the same, and so does our dedication to achieving it.


To restore and revitalize our target neighborhoods, primarily for the benefit of current and future inhabitants, by providing services and programs which renew pride, stimulate reinvestment and restore confidence and trust


We sustain our mission by providing education & financial training to promote homeownership, affordable housing, financing for purchase & rehabilitation, and weatherization services to reduce costs, promote self-sufficiency, and improve the health and safety of our customers.

What it means to be a NeighborWorks® Network Organization

Our work in our community is part of a nationwide impact. 

NeighborWorks® Toledo Region has been a chartered member of the NeighborWorks® Network since 1993. This nationwide network consists of nearly 250 community development organizations that are trusted leaders in their work to strengthen communities, transform lives, and create opportunities for low and moderate-income individuals and families to access quality, affordable housing.


As a chartered NeighborWorks® network member, NeighborWorks® Toledo Region has access to resources, tools, and training opportunities that add great value to our work in Toledo. We are certified and trusted to meet a high standard of both fiscal integrity and service performance to assist local residents in developing leadership, improving their neighborhoods, and accessing quality, sustainable, affordable housing.

Fists in Solidarity

What makes our work impactful?


A comprehensive approach

At NeighborWorks® Toledo Region, we embrace that building strong communities is a complex mission requiring creative and comprehensive solutions. We employ a variety of strategies from property development and redevelopment to empowering community leadership, to providing individual programs and services. With this approach, we maximize our reach, and therefore, our impact.


48 years of experience

Over nearly half a century, though our work has evolved with the world around us, our mission remains firm: to revitalize neighborhoods and enhance the quality of life for individuals and families within them. In our long history, our experience has taught us many things, including how to do our work expertly and how to adapt with the changing needs of our neighbors and community. 


An emphasis on teamwork

Our team extends far beyond our four walls. From the beginning, Neighborhood Housing Services of Toledo was born of a team with a shared vision, and we continue today with a focus on collaboration. We welcome the involvement of corporations, foundations, nonprofit organizations, government entities, and individuals that share a commitment to strengthening our community.


A vision for the future

Our mission is sustained by our vision for a future where every resident feels the security, comfort, and pride that comes with financial stability and a stable, safe neighborhood. As a mission-driven organization with stakeholder input from many spaces in our community, we take action, make decisions, and provide services with this hope for the future at the forefront. 

Want to get involved?


We work with many partners to achieve our mission at NeighborWorks® Toledo Region. Our partners include local businesses, financial institutions, community organizations, corporations, and government agencies. Together, we are able to provide the resources and support necessary to foster thriving communities.

Financial Institutions

Fifth Third Bank

Huntington Bank

PNC Bank


City of Toledo 
Lucas County Land Bank
Ohio Department of Development

U.S. Department of Energy

National Intermediaries

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)

NeighborWorks® America


Columbia Gas® of Ohio
FirstEnergy | Toledo Edison®

The Lathrop Company

Praxia Partners

Foundation & Private Support

Bill & Mary Parker Charitable Trust

John and Mary Fedderke Family Fund of the Greater Toledo Community Foundation
Mercy Health | St. Vincent Medical Center

Turner Construction Foundation

Community Partners

Area Office on Aging

Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development

The Fair Housing Center

Lucas Metropolitan Housing

Metroparks Toledo

United Way of Greater Toledo

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